Sunday, June 19, 2011

Suprises :)

Today was an incredible day, last night I could barely sleep because I was so excited for our plans.  The itinerary was to wake up have breakfast go into Kiev attend church, lunch then some sightseeing a little shopping and we had a meeting with the president of the Down Syndrome board.  Being the selfish and historically interested person I was I could not wait until we got into the city to look at all of the beautiful sites and churches, the architecture and of course the shoes :)  We went thru the day and everything was amazing but the most amazing part was this meeting.  The driver pulls up to a run down building with graffiti all over it, it looked more like a loading dock then a center for kids.  We spent 5 minutes looking for a door when we heard a deep voice yell something i could not understand, so we go to the door and we are greeted by a stereotypical large Ukrainian man. His name is Sergi and I expect he is the husband of the president of the association. After we walk into the brightly painted room and are served coffee and tea this woman introduces us to the president, Sergi.  I was shocked he looked so out of place among the bright colors, like he would be more at home on a rugby pitch!! He was scary looking, he hadn't cracked a smile at all and was stiff as a board, but as he started to speak in Russian to us, it was such a beautiful experience.  I don't know Russian and had no idea what he was saying until the translator told me but I didn't need her.  When he spoke you could hear the love, concern, and care that he had for these children, and the reverence that he had for God.  He spoke for a few hours and as time went on I could continue to hear the concern in his voice.  I am continually amazed at how God is using the things that scared me about this trip to open my eyes and bless me in ways I did not expect.  No matter what language we speak God is in them all, hears them all, and translates them all :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Brothers and Sister in Christ

I’m not sure of many things in my life, but I am sure that God orchestrated everything about this trip that I am on.  Not a single member of my team knew each other before setting out on this trip, we have all different backgrounds, and skills.  We are compromised of a “39” year old man(he’s really 65) who is a jack of all trades, a woman who specialized in early childhood intervention with special needs kids, me, and we will be meeting the last member of our team tomorrow at the airport before we head out to the main orphanage where we will be working.  We are all so very different none similar to the other yet God has given us all a heart for these kids.  He brought us together here to draw near to him, and to serve the people of Vorzel.  After spending the last 2 days with everyone, I am more and more reassured of the limitless power of God.  He has no barriers, no bounds, and no boxes.  He can take 4 complete strangers half way around the world, not to make much of themselves, but to make much of him.

Details about the trip so far to come when we have more time, perhaps from the over night train this evening J

Monday, June 13, 2011


After months of prayer, weeks of stress and a lifetime of experiences its finally time(2 days and counting) for my long awaited trip to Ukraine.  I was told on multiple occasions that starting a blog for my time over there was just as essential as packing things like socks or underwear, but I didn't believe them.  I am not much of a writer, and was not blessed with that gift, however as I was reminded this morning in my quiet time, this is not about me.  Outside of the obvious overarching answer that this trip is about christ and bringing the good news to those who are wandering in darkness(BECAUSE IT IS), its also about those that I am leaving behind.  Its about those who God has used to prepare my heart, who have encouraged me, and who have helped me financially get over there.  Its about the people who God has used to equip me with what I will need in the coming days.  I am excited to see what he has planned, and how we will be used.